Vihkosella osallistun timpan kirjahaasteeseen, jossa tällä viikolla piti käyttää distress sticklesejä. Etu- ja takakannen tähtiin olen levittänyt vintage photo distress sticklesiä. Cdt on värjätty alkoholimusteilla. "Sisäkannet" on ekokartongista ja niille on leimattu timpan leimoilla kelloja ja tekstiä taustaan priman leimalla.
Here's my very first bia booklet, so sorry for the blurry pictures, but I was in a rush taking them...This went to my nephew for his birthday.
With this I participate to CCC where the theme is to use distress stickles. I used vintage photo distress stickles on the stars on the front and back. The cd's are colored with alcohol inks. The inner covers are made of craft card stock on which I stamped with Tim's stamps and the text on the back with a clear stamp by prima.

and the U2 concert was amazing...It was a spectacular show!!! =D
9 kommenttia
Tosi magee tämä kirjanen! Tykkään :)
Tosi kivaa että olet ollut jammailemassa :D HIenoa! Ja hei tää kirjanen on hurjan kivan näköinen. Sori mut kyselen rohkeasti oletko siis hankkinut pelit ja vehkeet itsellesi?
Love the use of the CDs on the cover. . .very clever! The Stickles really make the stars shine!
What a great book! I especially like your inked CDs ... brilliant!
Sanompahan vaan että, HUH HUH, upeata, upeata jälkeä jälleen kerran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is wonderful! What a great design, and brilliant use of color! The Distress Stickle-ized stars look fabulous, and the stamping is just right. Your nephew is certain to love this!
What a wonderful Book!--this is suck a wonderful way to use a CD disc!
What a beautiful book - thank you so much for sharing this. I have many CD's and you have given me some ideas on how to use them.
Wautsi, upea kirja! Kyllä varmasti saaja tykkäsi!
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