energistä naistenpäivää...

värienergiaa naistenpäivään...kukat ja linnut altenew:n leimoja...kukat embossattu kirkkaalla jauheella ja vesiväritetty...linnut leimattu valkoiselle kartongille, johon leimailin ensin heron neon ombre musteella koukeroita ja sitten tirppaset mustalla musteella ja leikkasin irti...tausta on tehty diy-suihkeilla ja suolalla, johon embossasin valkoisella jauheella heron taustaleimalla...lisänä stanssattu teksti ja muutama dropsi... =)

some color energy to national women's day...flowers and birds are stamps by altenew...flowers embossed with clear powder on white card stock and then watercolored...birds were stamped with black ink on white card stock which i first stamped with swirls with hero arts' neon ombre ink and then cut...background is made with diy mists (distress reinkers and water) and salt, then i embossed hero arts' background on it with white powder...die cut text and a few drops in addition... =)

kortti osallistuu

this card participates to

simon says stamp monday challenge - make your own background
stamping sensation - march: close to nature

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iloista naistenpäivää!!

have a great national women's day!!

4 kommenttia

Catherine kirjoitti...

Your background is gorgeous. I love the colors you paired together with the beautiful flower and origami birds. Beautiful! Thanks for joining us on the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge.

Cathie ♥

Sally H kirjoitti...

A fabulous card and a great entry for our close to nature challenge at Stamping Sensations. Thanks for joining us this month and good luck!

pinky kirjoitti...

Loving the spring colours, beautiful project. Thanks for joining us at Stamping Sensations this month.

Fairytale kirjoitti...

On todella ihanat ja inspiroivat värit <3