I made this card to a challenge where the theme was a children's song/story. Image is colored with distress inks. I died the flower with a self-made mist. Paper by cosmo cricket, text clicked with dymo. A few drops and some floss, that's it. Have a happy week!! =)
ja jos murheet painaa, kannattaa oheinen video katsoa. =)
and if you're feeling blue, you might wanna watch the video (a techno version of a Finnish children song). =)

5 kommenttia
Kiva tuo ohut paperinauhakoriste ja leiman taustalla käytetyt yksiväriset samaan muotoon leikatut paperit.
Gorgeous! Soooo cute!;o)
Hugs Ida:o)
...aurinkoista tietä eteenpäin =)
Heti alkoi soimaan päässä tuo laulu! =)
On tosi ihana kortti!!!
Aivan ihanan suloinen pieni elefantti kortti!
Ihana fanttikortti, suloinen :))
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